Look what came in the mail yesterday. Three workbasket from Teresa Fox and I won one of Diane Shuttles. Thanks two both I love them. I have been tatting but it all needs to be blocked and on some the ends need worked in.

I am still around. First there was getting everything put just in my name. That is after I got my self alive again. They had me dead instead of him. So they canceled my SS, my insurance ect. Which I had to make a trip to the SS office to get myself back to the living.
I have been trying to catch up on the last two and a half years work. I have been painting, had the rest of the drive replaced, and then there is all of the little repairs that had to be done. I do most of them. Also have cleaned and caulked a dozen windows and still have at least three more to do.
Then there is all of the yard work. I have been pulling weed everyday when it is not to hot to be out or raining. I have more then one flower bed, One is very large, today it is in the 90 with a heat index of 100. And it is going to be hotter then that for almost all of next week.
I have also put in about 30 years of genealogy. Which was started before all of us had computers. Think of a stack of papers about three and a half feet tall. I only have a few pages left to do. All of it goes in the recycle ben. Enough of that.
I am going to try and post more often.